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How to make Hubot understand chat context?

Is there any way to make Hubot understand the context of conversation between messages? Such that he could ask me clarifying questions?

For example:

me: hey, create a branch plz
Hubot: How should I name it?
me: super-duper
Hubot: Branch 'super-duper' created

Should I use some kind of state machine? Any advices on that?

like image 904
Anton Rudeshko Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 07:02

Anton Rudeshko

1 Answers

You can use robot's brain to persist state.

robot.respond /hey, create a branch plz/i, (res) ->
     res.reply "Ok, lets start"
     user = {stage: 1}
     name = res.message.user.name.toLowerCase()
     robot.brain.set name, user

robot.hear /(\w+)\s(\w+)/i, (msg) ->
     name = msg.message.user.name.toLowerCase()
     user = robot.brain.get(name) or null
     if user != null
      answer = msg.match[2]
      switch user.stage
        when 1 
          msg.reply "How should I name it?"
        when 2 
          user.name = answer
          msg.reply "Are you sure (y/n) ?"
        when 3

      user.stage += 1
      robot.brain.set name, user

      if user.stage > 3 #End of process
        if /y/i.test(user.confimation) 
           msg.reply "Branch #{user.name} created." 
           msg.reply "Branch creation aborted"

        robot.brain.remove name
like image 160
tonymayoral Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11
