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Is there a way to get the users of an IRC channel without joining it?



I want to be able to get the list of users and their details from an IRC channel without joining it and thus increasing its user count.

So instead of issuing JOIN #chan and then NAMES #chan to get the list of users, I can run the latter command. Is this possible?

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liamzebedee Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 09:08


People also ask

How do I find a user on IRC?

You can use the WHOIS <nick> command to get information about a specific user. This will show you what public channels a user is on, but not what secret channels they may also be connected to.

How do I watch an IRC channel?

One of the best way to find channels you are interested in on a specific network once you are logged in is with the list command. You can also find channels by geographic location. There are many IRC channels established for people from various cities, although of course anyone in the world may join them.

Does anybody still use IRC?

Today, there are still over 2,000 IRC servers and almost 500 IRC networks (groups of affiliated servers) operating worldwide.

How many IRC users are there?

IRC reached 6 million simultaneous users in 2001 and 10 million users in 2003, dropping to 371k in 2018.

2 Answers

You can issue NAMES for a channel where you are not in, but NAMES does not display users that are invisible (usermode +i).

Most servers set the usermode +i on connect, and some don't even allow changing it.

So if you don't have everyone set their usermode -i, you can't see them when not in the channel.

The RFC is not very specific about usermode +i. Some say that you can see users with +i on a NAMES reply if you share a common channel, and others say that you can not.

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Johannes Kuhn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Johannes Kuhn

While the RFC implies that you should be able to issue /NAMES #chan from outside #chan (or even just issue /NAMES to get everybody), in practice many servers I've seen will ignore the former if you are not in a channel and just reject the latter.

The only reliable way is to issue /JOIN and /NAMES, and then deduct one from the user list to account for your bot.

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Oliver Matthews Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Oliver Matthews