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New posts in image-manipulation

How to capture an image in android with coordinates

CodeIgniter Upload and Resize Problem

Find edges (border of rectangle) inside an image

To invert colours from black to white in opencv python

java image crop

java image-manipulation

One Image to Rule Them All: why Facebook and AddThis do that? [duplicate]

How to produce thumbnails in real-time?

Generate and save a .png-image in clojure

AppleScript: Cutting images in the half?

Image Processing in C# - A smart solution?

Watermarking images on upload

Using Imagemagick, how do I crop out the white background?

Error EOF when trying to resize images using Gulp on Windows

How to generate a mask using Pillow's Image.load() function

How to load dynamic image w/php gd library, w/o saving it on server or having src="script.php"?

php gd image-manipulation

iPhone JPG image has non-standard magic bytes ff d8 ff e1?

What is the most basic approach to implement a liquify filter like the one photoshop has , in java?

Deskew scanned images

c# image-manipulation

determine jpeg filesize without actually saving the jpeg

Algorithm to get an approximate depth map from an embossed/relief image