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New posts in edge-detection

Fastest Sobel Edge Detection C#

What is the difference between a Line and an Edge in image detection?

Find edges (border of rectangle) inside an image

Opencv Edge extraction

Canny Edge Detector in C

EmguCV Cut Face+Neck Skin Only And Save New Image

Differences between 'imfilter' and 'conv2' [MATLAB]

matlab edge-detection

Multiple moving object detection under changing light conditions.

Faster Image Processing than Lock Bits

More accurate houghline OpenCV

c++ opencv edge-detection

OpenCV - canny edge detection not working properly

What is the fastest way of edge detection?

object (Car) Detection and segmentation

Crop image after selecting area using edge detection in android

Detect U Shaped Edges in an Image [closed]

Hough Line Transform - artifacts at 45 degree angle