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New posts in hough-transform

Error when using Hough OpenCV

c++ opencv hough-transform

OpenCV circle like shape detection and its area

Opencv HoughLines Lines Theta?

Detecting silver and reflecting balls with OpenCV

How to detect lines accurately using HoughLines transform in openCV python?

OpenCV Python HoughCircles error

Detecting quadrilateral shapes from random set of lines segments

opencv: Using contours and Hough transform on rectangle detection

Hough line transform to find polygons in an image

Hough Line Transform - artifacts at 45 degree angle

Hough transform detect shorter lines

Hough transform in MATLAB without using hough function

matlab hough-transform

How to detect smooth curves in matlab

Error using HoughCircles with 3-channel input

Python cv2 HoughLines grid line detection

How can I determine the angle a line found by HoughLines function using OpenCV?

Python How to detect vertical and horizontal lines in an image with HoughLines with OpenCV?