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New posts in core.async

More elegant way to handle error and timeouts in core.async?

clojure core.async

Clojure: Cycle through a collection while looping through another collection?

clojure core.async

Why "Assert failed: >! used not in (go ...) block"

clojure core.async

Upper limit for number of jobs in a go block?

how to understand alt in clojure core.async

clojure core.async

Can ClojureScript's implementation of core.async be used in Clojure?

How to get the buffer size of a channel from clojure/core.async?

How to memoize a function that uses core.async and non-blocking channel read?

Is there an equivalent of Haskell's CHP for Scala?

Extending functionality of clojure core.async

clojure core.async

What is the idiomatic way of waiting for a Clojure async channel?

clojure core.async

How to do integration testing in Clojure?

How to implement the Skynet 1m microbenchmark with core.async?

Clojure core.async for data computation

Future vs Thread: Which is better for working with channels in core.async?

Why does `core.async/pipeline` return a channel?

clojure core.async

Clojure core.async and Lamina

Why is the threadpool for core.async in clojure created with fixed thread pool of # of cores times 2 plus 42?

clojure core.async