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New posts in curry-howard

CoNat : proving that 0 is neutral to the left

How to prove the principle of explosion (ex falso sequitur quodlibet) in Scala?

Is it possible to randomly generate theorems that are arbitrarily difficult to prove?

I can't get my GADT-based toy Dynamic type to work with parametric types

haskell gadt curry-howard

Curry's paradox in Haskell?

How or is that possible to prove or falsify `forall (P Q : Prop), (P -> Q) -> (Q -> P) -> P = Q.` in Coq?

If Either can be either Left or Right but not both, then why does it correspond to OR instead of XOR in Curry-Howard correspondence?

Practical examples of using Void

A question about logic and the Curry-Howard correspondence

What is the bottom type?

How come that we can implement call/cc, but the classical logic (intuitionistic + call/cc) is not constructive?

What type corresponds to a xor b in type theory?

What else can `loeb` function be used for?

Constructing efficient monad instances on `Set` (and other containers with constraints) using the continuation monad

Dependent Types: How is the dependent pair type analogous to a disjoint union?

Curry-Howard isomorphism

What's the absurd function in Data.Void useful for?

What are the most interesting equivalences arising from the Curry-Howard Isomorphism?