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New posts in category-theory

What are the identities categorical monads enforce that Haskell monads don't?

Why is function with useless isolated `static` considered impure?

Is a C++ functor a functor in the sense of category theory?

c++11 category-theory

Do all the function types form a subcategory of `Hask`?

Do notation and Monad composition

Understanding the diagrams of Product and Coproduct

What is the category-theoretical basis for the requirement that the Haskell "id" function must return the same value as passed in?

haskell category-theory

Categories library for Agda?

Proper way to wrap selectively class instances (or "lift" functions like `sortBy`, `minimumBy`, ... automatically)

haskell category-theory

Is Behavior a Comonad?

Why do Static Arrows generalise Arrows?

Is a state monad with two state variable types (in and out) still a monad?

Granted a traversable F-Algebra, is it possible to have a catamorphism over an applicative algebra?

Is Haskell's `Const` Functor analogous to the constant functor from category theory?

Are there a thing call "semi-monad" or "counter-monad"?

Relation between `DList` and `[]` with Codensity