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New posts in formal-methods

Proving equivalence of programs

Splitting a test to a set of smaller tests

Formal semantics of CSS box positioning

event-b: is it possible generate sequence from ... to ... of prime numbers via lambda in one expression?

Using forall within recursive Function definition

Tool for model checking large, distributed C++ projects such as KDE?

Logic for software verification

Should I use formal methods on my software project? [closed]

Formal Methods and Enterprises [closed]


Forall introduction in coq?

Experiences with using Alloy in real-world projects

What is the best way of determining a loop invariant?

Teaching programming and formal methods [closed]

Formal methods in C++ for safety critical software

Can Haskell functions be proved/model-checked/verified with correctness properties?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Isabelle proof assistant compared to Coq?

coq isabelle formal-methods

What are the most interesting equivalences arising from the Curry-Howard Isomorphism?