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Implement yield and send in Scheme

Saving program image in guile

scheme guile

How to Prevent Guile from Starting a Debugger for Every Error?

what's wrong with this define-syntax macro in scheme?

Why is tail recursive Collatz conjecture causing stack overflow in Scheme?

LilyPond: Extracting pitch names from music

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In guile scheme, how can I iterate a list of key-value pairs (i.e. a Hash map)?

dictionary scheme guile

Cannot work out how to run .scm (using guile or scm) files

Guile Scheme and CGI?

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controlling evaluation in scheme (guile)

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How to abbreviate 'note with the same note an octave higher, parenthesized' in Lilypond?

How do I use SRFI-1 in Guile?

scheme guile

Execute command line from Scheme (Guile)

command-line scheme guile

Is it possible to embed Guile in a C++ app on iOS or Android?

How to check for memory leaks in Guile extension modules?

When to use lambda definition with a "bare" formal parameter?

lambda scheme guile

The Seasoned Schemer, letcc and guile

How to change current directory in GNU Make

makefile gnu-make guile

Scheme: why this result when redefining a predefined operator?

operators scheme guile