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Why is `fmap` needed to call `succ` on a `Maybe Integer`?

finding the lowest collatz sequence that gives more that 65 primes

Dynamic programming with Data.Map in Haskell?

Keeping a variable alive across multiple function calls in rust

memoization rust collatz

Implementing the collatz function using Python

why does the loop die? ( Collatz conjecture )

java loops math collatz

collatz sequence - optimising code

Why is tail recursive Collatz conjecture causing stack overflow in Scheme?

Lazy Sequences that "Look Ahead" for Project Euler Problem 14

Collatz Conjecture related interview

algorithm collatz

why is this memoized Euler14 implementation so much slower in Raku than Python?

Project Euler Question 14 (Collatz Problem)

c algorithm collatz

Why is this simple haskell algorithm so slow?

haskell collatz

Collatz Conjecture Python - Incorrect Output Above 2 Trillion (Only!)

Code Golf: Collatz Conjecture