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New posts in delimited-continuations

Does it matter where a shift stands in a reset block?

Implement yield and send in Scheme

Understanding shift/reset in Racket

Understanding the API of multi-prompt delimited continuations

How do I use Agda's implementation of delimited continuations?

Scala delimited continuations error at runtime

What's the relationship between the async/await pattern and continuations?

Using Scala continuations with while loops

Cont monad shift

How to translate shift/reset into delimcc?

What are modern continuation operators all about? [closed]

What are the specifics about the continuations upon which Raku(do) relies?

Is anyone using delimited continuations to do web development in Haskell?

What exactly is a "continuation prompt?"

Why are delimited continuation primitives named "shift" and "reset"?

Use MonadRef to implement MonadCont

What are Scala continuations and why use them?