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How can the continuation monad be expressed using the free monad?

Supposedly, all monads can be expressed using Free (if this isn't true, what is a counter-example and why)? How can the continuation monad or its corresponding transformer be expressed using Free or FreeT - what would be the corresponding functor? Or if they can't, what's the reason why?

Update: By expressed I mean basically isomorphic to Free F where F is a functor we're looking for, like for example Writer w is isomorphic to Free ((,) w).

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Petr Avatar asked Sep 13 '14 20:09


3 Answers

Here's a silly answer that shows that both your question and my earlier answer need work.

Cont can easily be expressed using Free:

import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont

type Cont' r = Free (Cont r)

quotient :: Cont' r a -> Cont r a
quotient = retract

Cont is a (quotient of) the free monad on itself (of course). So now you have to clarify precisely what it is you mean by "express".

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Tom Ellis Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 23:11

Tom Ellis

See my answer to a question of yours from last year. Let's consider r = Bool (or more generally any type r which admits a nontrivial automorphism).

Define m (up to newtype wrappers) as m :: (() -> Bool) -> Bool; m f = not (f ()). Then m is nontrivial but m >> m is trivial. So Cont Bool is not isomorphic to a free monad.

The full computation in Haskell:

rwbarton@morphism:/tmp$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.8.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import Control.Monad.Cont
Prelude Control.Monad.Cont> let m :: Cont Bool (); m = ContT (\f -> fmap not (f ()))
Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
Prelude Control.Monad.Cont> runCont m (const False) -- m not trivial
Prelude Control.Monad.Cont> runCont (m >> m) (const False)
Prelude Control.Monad.Cont> runCont (m >> m) (const True) -- (m >> m) trivial
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Reid Barton Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11

Reid Barton

Here's a couple tiny proofs that there doesn't exist a Functor f such that for all a :: * and m :: * -> * FreeT f m a is equivalent to ContT r m a using the normal interpretation of FreeT.

Let m :: * -> * such that there is no instance Functor m. Due to instance Functor (ContT r m) there is an instance Functor (ConT r m). If ContT r and FreeT f are equivalent, we would expect Functor (FreeT f m). However, using the normal interpretation of FreeT, instance (Functor f, Functor m) => Functor (FreeT f m), there is no Functor (FreeT f m) instance because there is no Functor m instance. (I relaxed the normal interpreation of FreeT from requiring Monad m to only requiring Functor m since it only makes use of liftM.)

Let m :: * -> * such that there is no instance Monad m. Due to instance Monad (ContT r m) there is an instance Monad (ConT r m). If ContT r and FreeT f are equivalent, we would expect Monad (FreeT f m). However, using the normal interpretation of FreeT, instance (Functor f, Monad m) => Monad (FreeT f m), there is no Monad (FreeT f m) instance because there is no Monad m instance.

If we don't want to use the normal interpretation of Free or FreeT we can cobble together monsters that work just like Cont r or ContT r. For example, there is a Functor (f r) such that Free (f r) a can be equivalent to Cont r a using an abnormal interpretation of Free, namely Cont r itself.

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Cirdec Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11
