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Java compiler behaviour during narrowing primitive conversion

Generics super vs. extends

What is the effect of the dot (.) in the Java classpath?

java classpath javac scjp

when an object is eligible for a garbage collector?

x = x++ doesn't increment because the ++ is applied after the assignment?

java scjp post-increment

Does Arrays.BinarySearch require that the array is sorted in ascending order

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Understanding join()

java join multithreading scjp

Codes on the same thread executed in unusual order

java multithreading scjp

Reference comparison using == operator [duplicate]

java scjp

Does wrapper widening beat unboxing?

java oop wrapper scjp

Which declarations are valid?

Overloading methods with var-args - combined with boxing and widening

java overloading scjp

Do strings used in a System.out.println also create new immutable objects?

eclipse java multithread program debugging


Why do static and instance init blocks in Enums behave differently from those in Classes

Thread object constructed by runnable overrides the run method

java scjp

Interface is not allowed inside methods

java methods interface scjp

Confusion over Java's pass-by-value and immutability

Inconsistent behaviour of primitive integer types in Java

java primitive-types scjp

SCJP: can't widen and then box, but you can box and then widen

java scjp