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New posts in open-closed-principle

How to not violate Open-Close Principle when new feature is requested?

c# open-closed-principle

Why does encapsulation seem to contradict the Open-Closed principle?

Method overriding: same argument list types (or COMPATIBLE types)?

What is the difference between the "Open/closed principle" and the "Dependency inversion principle"?

Factory design pattern and violation of OCP (Open-Closed Principle)

Are there any benefits to following the open/closed principle when using BDD?

Open closed principle

c# open-closed-principle

Am I violating the "open/closed" principle?

SOLID - are the Single Responsibility Principle and the Open/Closed Principle mutually exclusive?

Why do static and instance init blocks in Enums behave differently from those in Classes

How do Test-Driven Development and the Open/Closed Principle work together?

Simple Factory vs Factory Method: Switch statement in factory vs. client

Reduce code duplication without subclass inheritance

Good examples of OCP in open source libraries [closed]

Extending List<T> and Violating The Open/Closed Principle

How can I have a behavior-rich domain entity that adheres to Open-Closed Principle?

LARAVEL: How to use Open Close Principle of SOLID principles?

Abstract methods and the Open-Closed principle

Does the Factory Method pattern violate the Open/Closed principle?