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New posts in launchmode

singleTask and singleInstance not respected when using PendingIntent?

Acitivity SingleTask behaviour with SplashScreen

Why Behaviours are different ?- android:launchMode="singleTask" , android:taskAffinity="" And Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK

android singleTask activity not as the root?

Why is launcher activity with launchMode="singleTask" always pushed to top of backstack even if another activity was on top? [duplicate]

Set activity launch mode programmatically

Android : Create a single task with multiple applications' activities (Lauchmode issue)

Keep only one instance of each activity in entire app

Android task and process, SingleTask and SingleInstance

android singleinstance activity not single if back button pressed

Android activity launch mode and deeplink issue

android 4.4.X: taskAffinity & launchmode vs. Activity lifecycle

SINGLE_TOP | CLEAR_TOP seem to work 95% of the time. Why the 5%?

SingleTask activity, but opened through two different applications

android launchmode

How should I define launchMode in AndroidManifest.xml - Using PhoneGap & JQM

About android launchmode "singleTask"