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New posts in android-launcher

Android: launchMode singleTop not working if app opened from another app

android android-launcher

Android launcher press home in launcher to go to default screen

how to load app directly without launching homescreen

Android ICS widgets - listviews goes blank randomly (when launcher restarts?) RemoteviesService bug?

Set and unset default app in Android

How do I programmatically set the default launcher app? [duplicate]

How to prevent custom home launcher app restart activity?

My launcher app starts twice when booting device

android android-launcher

Why is launcher activity with launchMode="singleTask" always pushed to top of backstack even if another activity was on top? [duplicate]

How to remove application shortcut from home screen on uninstall automatically?

Application launch from splash everytime ( while closing with Home) when installing from sdcard with Open option

android android-launcher

Android Wear Launcher

Android Animation on running new application

How to bring up the set default launcher prompt?

How to install icon pack on custom launcher?