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New posts in wear-os

Setting background on Android Wear

android wear-os

How can I create notification that is different on device and wear?

Can't create "Single-action control" notification android wear

android wear-os

Does NotificationCompat and NotificationManagerCompat have to be used for notifications to appear on a wearable?

android wear-os

Android Wear + Wearable ChannelApi openChannel not opening with remote node?

android wear-os

Android Wear 5.1 wrist gesture API?

android wear-os

Changing the location of the battery icon on a custom Android wear watch face

android clock wear-os

Crash loading WearableActivity

wear-os ambient

Get data from Smartwatch Android Wear to Smartphone

Detect if Android Wear screen has chin (aka flat tire)

wear-os moto-360

Permissions for a WearableListenerService

Can't detect node using the capability api


WearableDataListener Service doesn't invoke onDataChanged method

Android Wear Data Items

Is there an NFC API for the Smartwatch 3 (SWR50)

CircledImageView always have rectangle image in front of the circle