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New posts in android-launcher

Android - How to start creating a launcher app?

android android-launcher

programmatically add the widget to home screen in android

Open global search as overlay

Android launching wrong activity

How to detect if launcher supports home screen rotation

Android manifest merging: removing LAUNCHER intent-filter doesn't take effect

Why is resolveInfo.loadLabel () so ridiculously slow?

Launcher Icons (Legacy only) showing white background icon android studio 3.3

Android pin activity on boot

Android package installer - how to get "Open" and "Done" and activity result both?

Is it possible to have more than one launcher Activity?

android android-launcher

Create Circular Launcher Icon

android: choose default launcher programmatically

group multiple apps under the same icon in Application launcher

android android-launcher

App not listed in launcher due to <data android:scheme="http" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

How to get available "app shortcuts" of a specific app?

Remove Activity as Default Launcher

How to get the list of all installed shortcuts found in the homescreen Launcher in android

Set google as search bar in home screen Custom launcher programmatically