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New posts in device-owner

How to make my app device owner without NFC and ADB shell command?

android device-owner

Android - Allowing installation of non-market-apps fails in device owner app

Cosu app development through Android Management Api or device owner locktask

Install updates for a Device-Owner App

How do I get the signature checksum of my APK?

Does Device Owner app get System App permissions?

android device-owner

build AOSP with device owner configuration

Android Kiosk Mode - Preventing users from "unauthorized" unpinning the application

Stuck on "Connecting to WiFi" screen while provisioning Android Lollipop device

How do I get the signature checksum of my APK that is signed with only the v2 scheme?

How to prevent users from turning off GPS, Wifi and Bluetooth?

Android pin activity on boot

Is it possible to have a "Profile Owner" app in Android Lollipop that is not co-present

NFC Device Owner Provisioning and Knox

Screen pinning 3rd party apps programmatically

PackageInstaller "Silent install and uninstall of apps by Device Owner” - Android M Preview