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New posts in device-policy-manager

Android Device Policy sync does not work until done manually

Android ICS Device Encryption

Android - Allowing installation of non-market-apps fails in device owner app

Activate a device owner using NFC on Android Lollipop

How do I get the signature checksum of my APK?

Detect programmatically if an Android device is able to do storage encryption

How to enable Non market application in Managed Profile (Android 5.0) programmatically

Android - how to completely disable keyguard

Run intent DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN from a service

How do I get the signature checksum of my APK that is signed with only the v2 scheme?

Is it possible to have a "Profile Owner" app in Android Lollipop that is not co-present

devicePolicyManager.lockNow() is not working for Motorola Tablets

How to find an app's available restrictions for DevicePolicyManager.setApplicationRestrictions

How to remove set-device-owner in Android DPM?

Screen pinning 3rd party apps programmatically

How to programmatically set a lock or pin for an app