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New posts in android-install-apk

Pushing Latest Android Build to Devices

Run code only once after a fresh installation,Shared Preference is not a solution please see below description

Android Pie - 9 (API 28) : Installing APK .... not successfully installing

Why does removing permission from AndroidManifest.xml not work?

Programatically install apk from assets folder in android

Unable install Android APK from ADB on Xaomi Redmi Note 4

Cannot install apk when the app is already installed from Playstore

Android: apk size increases when I generate signed build

App not installed with no reason why

which apk runs on the Android device ionic

Set "installer" package value as returned in getInstallerPackageName()

Take backup of all install apk file into sdcard programmatically in Android [duplicate]

opening apk in chrome download list not open the apk Installer

Error while Installing APK Android Studio 3.3

How we make Signed APK for google play store?

PackageInstallerActivity not found on Android M developer preview

Android Lollipop - PackageInstaller.Session commit()

What is the differences between `export signed` and `unsigned` .apk file? [duplicate]

INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application