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New posts in single-instance

open program once with multiple files as arguments from explorer

java.lang.InstantiationException: can't instantiate class ... no empty constructor

Creating single instance for system tray in java

Ways to achieve de-duplicated file storage within Amazon S3?

amazon-s3 single-instance

How to Programmatically Restart a Single Instance application

wpf restart single-instance

VB6: Single-instance application across all user sessions

vb6 mutex single-instance

Single instance WPF application using Caliburn.Micro

Run the current application as Single Instance and show the previous instance

Single instance of a Java desktop application with argument passing

boost::interprocess::named_mutex vs CreateMutex

How should I scope dependency injection of Entity Framework DbContext in a web app? (InstancePerHttpRequest vs SingleInstance)

When should I use lazy Singletons over normal Singletons?

java single-instance

Restrict multiple instances of an application in java

Kotlin: Java can't resolve Kotlin Symbol?

java kotlin single-instance

Allow only one application instance

vb.net single-instance

How to make sure that there is one instance of the application is running

vb.net single-instance

Android Deep linking and singleInstance/singleTask

android singleinstance activity not single if back button pressed