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New posts in single-instance

PyQt - how to detect and close UI if it's already running?

Android singletop singleinstance and singletask

android single-instance

How to implement single instance per machine application?

c# .net mutex single-instance

Win32: How to get the process/thread that owns a mutex?

How to check if a WPF application is already running? [duplicate]

c# .net wpf single-instance

Getting Permission error java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial on 3.x Android devices while getting email attachment name

How to enable only one instance of my application

Ensuring that only a single instance of a nodejs application is running

How can I build a single instance application using Click Once?

Correct .NET way to implement a single instance application [closed]

c# .net single-instance

startActivityForResult not working properly with launchMode singleInstance

onActivityResult do not fire if launch mode of activity is singleInstance

Ensure a single instance of an application in Linux

Let gVim always run a single instance

vim single-instance

Is using a Mutex to prevent multiple instances of the same program from running safe?

How to create a single instance application in C or C++

c++ c linux single-instance

How to implement a single instance Java application?

java single-instance