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New posts in fragmentpageradapter

Android: direct scrolling/ displaying a particular page in ViewPager on button click

How to make viewpager transition fast with fragment?

Fragment in ViewPager is not displaying anything in its RecyclerView on rotation

java.lang.InstantiationException: can't instantiate class ... no empty constructor

Android tab click scroll to top

getItem called twice and this causes tab1 and tab2 both executed in FragmentPagerAdapter

Switching tabs not working on click of tabs with PagerSlidingTabStrips

Camera SurfaceView flicker in view pager while scrolling

Can't change tag of fragment

ViewPager with FragmentPagerAdapter not displaying

Layout fields of fragment are NULL on initialization

Update the current fragment in FragmentPagerAdapter

Change Tab Programmatically from Fragment with FragmentPagerAdapter

How change ActionBar colour when swiping between fragments (Material Design)?