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New posts in fragmentpageradapter

Dynamically Add and Remove Fragments From FragmentPagerAdapter

Binding and unbinding Android Service to/from Fragment (in ViewPager)

Fragment member variables getting null when accessed in onPageSelected()

How pass fragment arguments while using a view pager with different fragments/layouts?

Android: limit fragments loading with a viewPager

Fragment in ViewPager returns empty object onResume

Dynamically change the title of a android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip

ViewPager with Nested Fragments?

Remove and add page to FragmentPagerAdapter

updating viewpager with fragments in a new order

Implement feature like iOS app closing vertical Swipe-to-Dismiss with ViewPager

FragmentPagerAdapter getItem wrong position

FragmentPagerAdapter getItem error with ListFragment

Fragment not added (inconsistent crash)

Handling Orientation change with ViewPager + FragmentPagerAdapter

FragmentPagerAdapter with ViewPager and two Fragments. Go to the first from the second and update first's text

Disable swipe in fragmentPagerAdapter? - android