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How does gradle choose certain urls to look in for a repository? How do I point it in the right direction so that I can import this JAR?

Remove view from MergeAdapter

android commonsware-cwac

Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes

Android Camera won't take picture when screen off

Loader framework vs plain AsyncTask

WakefulIntentService implementation clarifications

Endless Gridview

android commonsware-cwac

Camera preview quality in Android is poor

Dynamically Add and Remove Fragments From FragmentPagerAdapter

By the power of MergeAdapter, StickyListHeaders and ListViewAnimations combined I'm captain Android

Loader: onLoadFinished called only once

Save/Retrieve the "Rich Formatted Text" in the database without losing its Format

android commonsware-cwac

Merge multiple RecyclerView.Adapter for use with single RecyclerView (Android)

ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo

Sending message to a Handler on a dead thread when getting a location from an IntentService

android commonsware-cwac