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New posts in android-camera

Use external camera with android tablet

android android-camera

new android Camera2 Api on nexus 7

android android-camera

get torch (flash) state to toggle it in android M

ImageReader makes Camera lag

Rendering camera into multiple surfaces - on and off screen

SecurityException: No persistable permission grants found for uri from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE

Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameters failed

Camera2 API and java.lang.IllegalStateException

ZXing Autofocus issue

really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice

Get image from capture and show image in another layout using another activity in android

android android-camera

Get Image from camera into ImageView Android

flash torch functionality not working through app-widget in nexus 5

onActivityResult not called after taking a photo in Android

Find dominant color in a camera frame in OpenCV Android

How to save a YUV_420_888 image?

android android-camera

Android Camera2 API - Set AE-regions not working

Android: Several Camera API Questions

Android Camera - Save image into a new folder in SD Card

android android-camera

Android custom camera crashes on resume