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Use external camera with android tablet

I want to know is there any way to use the input of an external camera connected with android tablet using USB into my application that is running on that tablet.

like image 746
Vaibhav Ajay Gupta Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 04:03

Vaibhav Ajay Gupta

2 Answers

I would suggest you to try this one


Also this will be helpful to you


like image 134
TechArcSri Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 14:04


I've succeeded to get this project to work with my webcame connected to my Android tablet: https://github.com/saki4510t/UVCCamera.

However, the issue is that it relies on native libraries and comes with many samples undocumented. I am myself still looking for better ways.

like image 39
Philippe Cohen Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 14:04

Philippe Cohen