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New posts in glsurfaceview

Print GPU info (renderer, version, vendor) on TextView on Android

android gpu glsurfaceview

Rendering camera into multiple surfaces - on and off screen

GLSurfaceView framerate issues on Nexus 5

Android GLSurfaceView

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: android.view.GLSurfaceView

Sharing the EGL2.0 context between 2 GLSurfaceViews caused EGL_BAD_ACCESS on Android tablets

Android and OpenGL gives black frame at startup

How to identify click inside the 3D object or outside 3D object using near and far positions

Android: GLSurfaceView is black after resuming app

GLSurfaceView.Renderer possible to swap buffers multiple times in onDrawFrame()?

glReadPixels too slow to use

Android GLSurfaceView with drawable background

Determining Max/Min Texture Size Limit in Android OpenGLES

IllegalArgumentException Surface.nativeLockCanvas , Choreographer, BufferQueue

How can I use Multiple GLSurfaceView components in the same Layout?