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New posts in intentservice

How to wait for an IntentService to finish its task

Not Serializable Exception on custom class - Android

Should onHandleIntent be called when IntentService is started with bindService?

android intentservice

Re-launch android application programmatically

How to start a notification in IntentService

Do I need to call through super class onCreate and onDestroy methods within an IntentService?

How to stop one IntentService while there are many IntentService are running

Location listener works from a Service but not an IntentService

How to check if an IntentService was started

android intentservice

Downloading a Very Large file silently dies

intent to specific activity when push notification clicked in.

Activity has leaked IntentReceiver com.mopub.mobileads.MoPubView that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?

File Observer is not working from intent service

Make a REST API call from an IntentService or an AsyncTask?