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how to Add custom Convention for caliburn.micro?

caliburn.micro binding convention for ListPicker on WP7

Simple Injector GetAllInstances throwing exception with Caliburn Micro

Designing a Hamburger menu in WPF with Mahapps.Metro

Retrieving bound object on node from TreeView

Why is Caliburn.Micro's (used with modern-ui) OnActivate not being called after ActivateItem?

How to force Image control to close the file that it opens in wpf

c# wpf caliburn.micro

Binding element visibility to a ViewModel property, with design-time support

Caliburn.Micro and the Bootstrapper/BootstrapperBase Classes

How do I set a Window/Application icon in a application set up with Caliburn.Micro

wpf caliburn.micro

NullReferenceException in Caliburn.Micro's DisplayRootViewFor method when trying to use EventAggregator

How can I bind source MediaCapture to CaptureElement using Caliburn.Micro?

finding selected items in Telerik RadGridView using MVVM pattern

MVVM Framework: Performance

Selecting multiple records in DataGrid with Caliburn.Micro

wpf caliburn.micro

GotFocus event of TextBox in Caliburn Micro?

c# .net wpf caliburn.micro

Caliburn.Micro + MEF + Modern UI: IContent events

caliburn.micro bind element visibility to viewmodel's function rather than a property

Caliburn.micro with unity