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New posts in android-context

Wrong 1st argument type

SQlite Database: Unable to find context

getContext().getSystemService error

android android-context

Technique for get the ApplicationContext anywhere

Why Picasso is not using imageView.getContext()?

How to Pass Application Context within Singleton and SharedPreferences Classes

Is it safe to use this way to pass context to non-context classes

Getting MainActivity context in CustomView class

Error - No instrumentation registered! Must run under a registering instrumentation

Difference between 'this' , 'activityname.this' and getAplicationContext()

Context is null in service constructor?

How to use Android's getString() without violating basic OOD principles?

android android-context

How to get Context through hooking in android

Android toast.makeText context error

android android-context

Android - SharedPreferences - Context

Android: Register Receiver in Library

Still confusion about Context

android android-context