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New posts in android-context

Pass Application Context to the view instead of Activity Context

android android-context

Is there a difference between getContext of Fragment and getContext of container passed to onCreateView of Fragment?

Custom View unable to get Activity handle from View.getContext

Register BroadcastReceiver in non-activity class

Get context/activity in detached fragment?

are contexts of Android Activity/Application/Service the same object if they belong to the same app?

android android-context

How to get context of an activity extending ListFragment from its adapter class?

FragmentManager from application context

Toast in AsyncTask in non Activity class

Deciding between Activity Context or Application Context to Instantiate SQLiteOpenHelper

Accessing strings.xml from ViewModel

Mockito: How do I use getString with mockito?

What is the Context passed into onReceive() of a BroadcastReceiver?

Context and Resource in Android Instrumented Unit Tests

Is it a good practice to access the Actvity's Context in the Presenter class? If no then is there any other better way to do it?

android mvp android-context

How to use Calligraphy with multi-language support Oreo

How to Correctly Extend LinearLayout to Create a Custom View

How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps?

Null Pointer exception starting IntentService

Difference between getContext() and requireContext() when using fragments