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New posts in android-8.0-oreo

Android_ID in Android O


Permanent services on android oreo

Launch APK Installer Oreo

android android-8.0-oreo

onResume of new Fragment called before onPause in Android Oreo 8.0

NotificationCompat v7 and Android O

android android-8.0-oreo

How to use StorageStatsManager.queryStatsForPackage on Android O?

android sms verification without READ_SMS permission

FCM : Unable to instantiate receiver com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver:

Build.SERIAL is deprecated as of API 26: Android 8.0 Oreo

Not allowed to start service Intent - Android Oreo

Intent.ACTION_SEND not working on Oreo [duplicate]

Getting crash on JobIntentService onComplete

Android foreground service consistently throws "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered" exception