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New posts in android-viewmodel

How to use one ViewModelFactory to provide for all ViewModels with Dagger [closed]

Enable a button when all EditText complete

JUnit5 test with LiveData doesn't execute subscriber's callback

viewmodel making network call on screen orientation change android

Android : How to write a unit test for fragment depending on a viewmodel Live data attribute?

AndroidViewModel instantiated without passing application context?

How to get value of LiveData from repository that don't access to lifeCycleOwner for observing it?

ViewModel has no zero argument constructor error - even when it has a zero argument constructor

Android databinding and LiveData: Can't bind to value in LiveData property

Can I make the LiveData static?

How to load multiple AndroidViewModel in a single activity to access LiveData which is returning value from multiple table using Room

Instance member LiveData variable in ViewModel?

Refresh data from a network using LiveData