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New posts in ibeacon

Are iBeacon advertising IDs unique?


Can a HTC advertise itself as a BLE Beacon?

How secure is iBeacon? [closed]

iOS - trigger event on Proximity using iBeacons

OBJ-C how-to: App using BLE connection and iBeacon in same device

Trigger Local notification to the killed/Quitted App on iBeacon Detection

Is it possible to discover Gimbal beacons with standard iOS libraries

ios ibeacon

Disable "Location Accuracy" message when using iBeacon

Raspberry-pi as connectable beacon

iBeacon - didEnterRegion not being called when app starts in region

Send additional data in iBeacon

ios ibeacon

Can an iBeacon have a data payload

iBeacons Broken in iOS 10.0.2?

didExitRegion not fired when turn off bluetooth

ibeacons Technology from Microsoft


How to retrieve advertising payload from iBeacon / BLE

CoreBluetooth for beacons

ios ibeacon beacon

Understanding iBeacon data : the power field and other bytes

Does BluetoothLeAdvertiser work on a Nexus 5 with Android 5.0?