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New posts in proximity

Is there any way to monitor user's movement of iphone like the "raise to speak" feature?

ios sensors proximity siri

Capturing mouse events outside wx.Frame in Python

Solr proximity ordered vs unordered

search lucene solr proximity

Simulate Proximity Sensor (iPhone)

iphone xcode proximity

How to know the closest iBeacon

Can I monitor the iPhone proximity sensor without turning off screen? Also, landscape

Detect user proximity from the screen

c++ blackberry-10 proximity

Not able to get proximity sensor's values in android

android sensors proximity

Bluetooth RSSI/Inquiry scan on Mac - proximity detection to iPhone without connecting?

Detecting another nearby android device via Bluetooth

Simultaneous communication with many Windows/Windows Phone 8 devices using Proximity API

Is a point within a geographical radius - SQL Server 2008

Lucene Proximity Search for phrase with more than two words

java search lucene proximity

Stop logging of Android Beacon Library

Missing results due to geo proximity formula (store locator)

Is it possible to perform multiple transactions with an NFC tag or device? (i.e. read more than once)

How to test proximity of lines (Hough transform) in OpenCV

opencv proximity

Proximity Search

php mysql proximity