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New posts in sqlgeography

Converting SQL Geography Lat/Long to VARCHAR without loss of precision

Is there an implementation for SqlGeometryBuilder ?

Select records from a SQL Server database using geography and distance

Minor inconsistency while calculating distance between two points

SQL Geography data type column in GROUP BY clause

DB geography type MakeValid does not seem to be working

c# .net tsql sqlgeography

Spatial index slowing down query

Geospatial data in SQL

Is a point within a geographical radius - SQL Server 2008

SQL Server STIntersects Query Returns false positives

SQL Server - Mismatch in column datatype and tessellation scheme

How to correct Polygon Ring Orientation using C# Entity Framework 5 DbGeography Spatial Data

LINQ to SQL Designer and the Geography datatype

Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query and without using SET FORCEPLAN

Is there a way to declare a Spatial Index with EntityFrameworkCore 2.2?

Reformat SQLGeography polygons to JSON

c# json geojson sqlgeography wkt

EntityType 'DbGeography' has no key defined