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Minor inconsistency while calculating distance between two points

Consider the following function for calculating the distance between two points

CREATE FUNCTION CoordinateDistanceMiles(
@Latitude1 float,
@Longitude1 float,
@Latitude2 float,
@Longitude2 float
RETURNS float 
DECLARE @EarthRadiusInMiles float;
SET @EarthRadiusInMiles = 3963.1
DECLARE @PI  float;
SET @PI = PI();
-- RADIANS conversion
DECLARE @lat1Radians float;
DECLARE @long1Radians float;
DECLARE @lat2Radians float;
DECLARE @long2Radians float;
SET @lat1Radians = @Latitude1 * @PI / 180;
SET @long1Radians = @Longitude1 * @PI / 180;
SET @lat2Radians = @Latitude2 * @PI / 180;
SET @long2Radians = @Longitude2 * @PI / 180;
Cos(@lat1Radians) * Cos(@long1Radians) * Cos(@lat2Radians) * Cos(@long2Radians) + 
Cos(@lat1Radians) * Sin(@long1Radians) * Cos(@lat2Radians) * Sin(@long2Radians) + 
Sin(@lat1Radians) * Sin(@lat2Radians)
) * @EarthRadiusInMiles;

And the following simplified version using Geography type:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDistanceInMiles]( @lat1 FLOAT , @lon1 FLOAT , @lat2 FLOAT , @lon2 FLOAT)
    DECLARE @result FLOAT;

    DECLARE @source GEOGRAPHY = GEOGRAPHY::Point(@lat1, @lon1, 4326)

    DECLARE @target GEOGRAPHY = GEOGRAPHY::Point(@lat2, @lon2, 4326)

    SELECT @result = @source.STDistance(@target) / 1609.344

    RETURN @result

When I run

SELECT dbo.CoordinateDistanceMiles(50.73521,-1.96958,50.75822,-2.07768)

it returns 4.99171837612563


SELECT dbo.GetDistanceInMiles(50.73521,-1.96958,50.75822,-2.07768)

returns 5.0005149496216

The results I get is slightly different to each other. Can someone explain

  1. Which above function is more accurate?
  2. How I would be able make them return equal result?
like image 959
MHOOS Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 13:10


1 Answers


Point (geography Data Type)

Constructs a geography instance representing a Point instance from its latitude and longitude values and a spatial reference ID (SRID)

In your code you used SRID=4326.

Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs)

Each spatial instance has a spatial reference identifier (SRID). The SRID corresponds to a spatial reference system based on the specific ellipsoid used for either flat-earth mapping or round-earth mapping.

Apparently, your chosen SRID 4326 defines an elliptical shape of the Earth, not a perfect sphere. Your code that calculates the distance using sin/cos must be assuming that Earth is a perfect sphere.

There is a good question and answers on this topic: Geometry column: STGeomFromText and SRID (what is an SRID?)

To make both methods return the same result you need to pick SRID that approximates Earth with the same sphere as your code. You'll need to look it up somewhere else. I don't know much about it.

like image 142
Vladimir Baranov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Vladimir Baranov