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New posts in android-api-levels

Using deprecated functions on older API versions?

How should I do lowering the minimum SDK version?

Exclusive Layouts for certain api level - Android

Error inflating class android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton in Android

How to read external storage android Q? [duplicate]

Why is android activity action bar title black?

why android ndk standalone toolchain do not support arm64 with api 19 but android ndk cmake does

“Obsolete custom lint check” from `androidx.appcompat.AppCompatIssueRegistry` which requires a newer API level

android gridlayout not showing in emulator API 22

How do I hide the status bar in my Android 11 app?

Android Gradle produce a TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file during transformClassesWithDexForRelease

Text to Speech is not working in API level 30 other than English language

getSize() deprecated in API level 30

Suppress API level warning in code

Stop logging of Android Beacon Library

Which API level to use with Support Library in Android?

Does Android's new 64-bit requirement mean the new minimum API level is 21 for apps with native code?

What's the earliest Android API level I can use Kotlin with?

kotlin android-api-levels

Android Studio Suddenly started to display unable to resolve com.android.support...25.0.0 error messages and all of my java files are erroneous now?