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New posts in android-11

Android 11 - Accessing Files in my app Android/Data folder

Android 11 EventSequenceValidator: IntentStarted during UNKNOWN. exception thrown at start of every activity

Android 11 Media store - cannot record new videos on relative path. It works with Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES path but not not with sub folder

ActivityResultLauncher with RequestMultiplePermissions contract doesn't show permissions UI on launch

How do I hide the status bar in my Android 11 app?

Is AsyncTask deprecated now w/ AsyncTaskLoader?

android android-11

How can I delete file on Android 11 (API 30) without system confirmation dialog?

Could not start AVD

android avd android-11 vt-x

ContentResolver.query() method throws "Invalid token limit" error

How to create folder (Android R - Api 30)?

queryIntentActivities returning empty list in android 11

Why YouTube Player API does not work on Android 11?