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New posts in android-file

list up all files with a certain extension on a device

Using deprecated functions on older API versions?

Deleting files in Android

Playing audio file from Sdcard

Choose internal storage and external storage

android android-file

is there a difference between /mnt/sdcard and /sdcard?

Android 4.4 files list issue

android android-file

Proper way to get file path when it's picked using ACTION_GET_CONTENT

ACTION_GET_CONTENT Intent not showing external storage

Diff between getExternalCacheDir vs getExternalFilesDir in android

Multiple FileObserver on same file failed

Reading a cache file previously written by the same app

android android-file

Couldn't update a file in android app assets folder

android android-file

Creating and deleting a file in assets folder automatically [duplicate]

How to get the internal and external sdcard path in android

Copy files from a folder of SD card into another folder of SD card

How to Copy Image File from Gallery to another folder programmatically in Android