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New posts in soundpool

Sample 1 not ready - Soundpool in Android 2.1

android soundpool

Android Soundpool Load(String path, int priority)

Playing audio file from Sdcard

Android SoundPool.stop does not seem to work

android soundpool

and again about memory issues with SoundPool

android soundpool

Android 2.2 - SoundPool sample 0 is not READY

android soundpool

Waiting for SoundPool to load before moving on with application

android soundpool

Sound not playing in Android version greater than 4.0

Record/capture internal sound playback of Android app and export mp3?

Playing Multiple sounds at the same time in Android

android audio soundpool

Knowing if the loading of a sound with SoundPool has been successful on Android 1.6/2.0/2.1

android soundpool

Playing sound over speakers while playing music through headphones

android repeatedly play a mp3 file without any gap

Android Soundpool problems

android soundpool

How do I know if a sound is finished playing in android?

android soundpool

sound pool not finish playing entire file

android handler lag soundpool

android soundpool heapsize overflow

android overflow soundpool

Android SoundPool: get notified when end of played

android soundpool

Soundpool plays only first 5 secs of file. Why?

android soundpool