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New posts in android-assets

How to access resources (like sound, images etc) directly from native code using Android-NDK?

Referencing image in assets from HTML not working

How to access assets-pack data in Android (kotlin)

Android: read a GZIP file in the ASSETS folder

Data encryption for the resources in android

android android-assets

How do I debug my app in which OBB Expansion Packs have been replaced with PAD (Play Asset Delivery)?

android android-assets

What is the differnce between accessing file from assets folder or SD card

MVVM in android,accessing assetManager without breaking the pattern

How to determine the Absolute path for specific file from Assets?

Creating and deleting a file in assets folder automatically [duplicate]

How to use preloaded SQLite database in Android from Assets

Android NDK - using AssetManager in native code

openRawResourceFd fails on android

Android: getAssets().openFd() and FileNotFoundException

android android-assets

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK assets folder resources items file?

Android assets - FileNotFound

android xml android-assets

BitmapFactory.decodeStream from Assets returns null on Android 7

Android Media Player: Start called in state 4 error(-38,0)