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New posts in android-11

SpeechRecognizer.isRecognitionAvailable() always false in Android 11

What is the API level of Android R/11 to set in build.gradle in Android Studio?

android android-11

Android 11 | Package visibility change for map navigation

Can't install CA certificate on Android 11 on Work Profile

Android 11 app crash with "The meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 12451000 but found 4323000"

The application's minSdkVersion is newer than the device API level (android-R)

Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground() only on Android 11 Samsung devices

RemoteServiceException crashing my app on MIUI 11

What is Android 11's equivalent of '/dev/null'

android android-11 dev-null

Android R hide statusbar -> move view down and a black rectangle appears

How to get a list of installed apps in Android 11

Unable to load local html file on API Level 30

Can't install CA certificate on Android 11

Facebook Audience 6.2.0 /apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::OatHeader::IsDebuggable() const+124) on Android 11

art::OatHeader::IsDebuggable() const Crash, Android 11, Google Ads SDK 19.7.0