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New posts in textkit

attributed text not working on TableView Cell

Getting CGRect for text in a UITextView for the purpose of highlighting with a CALayer

Underline text - line thickness in crossing ranges with different font sizes

put UILabel/UITextField on next line instead of pushing out of view

Newlines in iOS 7 UITextView breaking Text Kit exclusion zone wrapping

objective-c ipad ios7 textkit

Customize underline pattern in NSAttributedString (iOS7+)

Sub-Classing NSTextStorage Causes Significant Memory Issues

NSTextAttachment custom view

Subclass of NSTextStorage causes crash on access link

ios uikit textkit

How to define a custom NSUnderlineStyle

NSLayoutManager boundingRectForGlyphRange off by some Points

NSAttributedString changed font unexpectedly after inserting Image

ios iphone ios7 textkit

Lines missing from tall UILabel when embedding NSTextAttachment

iOS NSAttributedString to HTML