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New posts in nstextattachment

Getting an image imbedded in an NSAttributedString (via NSTextAttachment) to be treated as a single character, so that it doesn't break lines?

Getting filename and path from nsfilewrapper / nstextattachment in NSAttributedString

How to detect if a NSAttributedString contains a NSTextAttachment and remove it?

trouble saving NSAttributedString, with image, to an RTF file

NSTextAttachment custom view

How to detect deletion of image in UITextView

NSTextAttachmentCell is a mile high

Attributed string with text attachment and truncation

iOS 7 UITextView: Size of nstextattachment getting 2x after reopening the application

Load Image async for NSTextAttachment for UITableViewCell

NSAttributedString with image attachment and NSTextTab, text not aligned

Setting vertical align of truncated tails for NSAttributedString with NSTextAttachment

Add attachment image to attributed string in iOS 6

Position of NSTextAttachment inside UILabel?

Lines missing from tall UILabel when embedding NSTextAttachment