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New posts in uitextviewdelegate

Disable autocorrect after typing words with "@" prefix then reenable when new word is typed

Open link in UITextView within App

Initializing NSAttributedString with HTML file parses HTTP links as file URLs

UITextViewDelegate behaviour when backspace key is HELD Down

textViewShouldBeginEditing not called when not editable become to editable

UITextView scrolling up after deleting/inserting text

textViewDidChange is not call when change UITextView.inputView?

UITextView attributedText and syntax highlighting

Handle marked text on iOS keyboard

How to detect deletion of image in UITextView

textViewDidEndEditing is not called

UITextView not becoming first responder

How to trigger textViewdelegate on programmatical UITextView edits

textViewDidChange: crashes in iOS 7

Confirm UITextview auto-complete

Dynamic UITextView mislocation behavior

How to stop cursor changing position when I setAttributedText in UITextView delegate method textViewDidChange

Delete (not Backspace) doesn't fire UITextViewDelegate's shouldChangeTextInRange

Customise the quicktype suggestions in iOS Keyboard

iOS - UITextView + NSUndoManager