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New posts in autocorrect

Disable autocorrect after typing words with "@" prefix then reenable when new word is typed

Disable Mac OS X Lion Safari's autocorrect on contentEditable div?

iPhone How to ignore Respect language direction

Turn off autocorrect of input using CSS or JavaScript

javascript css autocorrect

Flex 4.6 TextInput with prompt on ios misbehaves

Autocorrect issue with a colored UITextview

ios uitextview autocorrect

In iOS, how do I auto-correct the last word upon submit?

Is there a way to have iOS' autocorrect ignore a single word or regex in a UITextView?

ios uitextview autocorrect

Excel is stripping leading 0's from CSV files

iOS 5 - Is there a way to disable autofill in a UITextView but keep the spell check (red underline)?

Custom list of auto complete options in ios using monotouch

Solr Did you mean (Spell check component)

Dynamic algorithm for text auto-correct

Can you programmatically accept a spelling correction in UITextView?